IMPORTANT NOTICE: Liquid Fantasy is an online store only. The premises are closed to the public. Online orders may be collected by prior arrangement. Should you experience any difficulty checking out please send us an e-mail to to assist you.
Flower dish mold
Cat paw print storage box (2 parts)
Heart shaped candle holder
Rondelle potting display holder
Storage box mold (2 pieces)
Embossed bowl
Snail vase mold
Round patterned candle holder mold
Succulent planter mold
Sea turtle shape storage mold (2 parts)
Column plant pot mold with leaf pattern
Lotus candle holder
Lotus mold
Lotus candle holder mold
Mushroom shape holder (2 pieces)
French bulldog dish mold
Magatama half yin and yang mold (single piece)
Trinket holder round with star pattern
Butterfly storage holder with lid (2 part)
Mountain mold set (8 pieces)
Vase mold
Octagon flower pot mold
Storage mold (2 part)
Wing tray mold (set of 2)